I am Dr. Shelton Holden, D.B.A. a US Navy Veteran, who served in the Navy
proudly for 13 years.
Now as a Veteran Affairs (VA) Claim Agent, I prepare, present, and prosecute VA claims for veterans’ benefits before the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). As a veteran, I know the struggle that veterans face when applying for benefits. I was denied for 10 years until I was finally awarded.
Holden’s Veterans Benefits is owned and led by Dr. Shelton Holden, D.B.A. Dr. Holden, D.B.A. is individually accredited by the Office of General Counsel of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in Washington D.C. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Information System Technology, Master Degree in Business Administrative, and a Doctorate in Business Administration with a concentration in Information System Management.
Helping veterans has always been a passion of mine and now I have the opportunity to give back to my fellow comrades.
Never quit……keep pushing until you get what you deserved